
Exchange Cardano to Basic Attention | FixedFloat

FixedFloat | Instant cryptocurrency

Lightning cryptocurrency exchange

At the end of 2014, former Ethereum developer Charles Hoskins put together a team to create a Cardano platform that, in his opinion, had to meet all his requirements. With the help of the platform, Charles Hoskins wanted to introduce cryptocurrency into the real economy, make microtransactions convenient and create convenient conditions for launching reliable and secure decentralized applications.

Cardano address formats

There are 2 types of Cardano addresses:

    Byron is the first version of an address that starts with “A” or “D”.
    Example: Ae2tdPwUPEZGJXifUWS7Dps4DU836BUKxQi11RdREsc6AkW4PZYUrVANfiJ

Speed and fee in the Cardano blockchain

The exchange requires 15 confirmations. Blocks in the ADA blockchain appear approximately every 20 seconds. The average time for confirmation of an exchange is 5 minutes.
The Cardano blockchain fees are very small — less than 1 cent.

A Brief History of Basic Attention

In 2017, Brendan Eich, creator of the popular JavaScript programming language and co-founder of the Mozilla Firefox browser, launched Basic Attention, a decentralized platform. The project includes its own BAT token on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20 protocol) and the Brave browser.

According to the creators of the Basic Attention platform, online advertising is extremely ineffective. To solve this problem, the Brave browser was created, which blocks unnecessary ads. Users who choose to watch ads are rewarded for their time spent in the form of a BAT token.

BAT smart contract

Our exchanger only sends transactions to the original BAT contract. Transactions are not sent to addresses of third-party contracts.

My order is completed, but I cannot see the funds in my wallet, what should I do?

We send Ethereum tokens with an average fee so that the receiving party does not have to wait long for the receipt. But sometimes, with the increased load on the Ethereum network, the transaction can get stuck in the mempool and not get into the block. The status of such a transaction is “Pending”. The explorer gives information about the expected processing time of a transaction, but you need to understand that this value is not exact and may change depending on the situation.

If a transaction sent by us cannot be confirmed for a long time, contact technical support with a request to push the transaction through.

exchange in 3 easy steps

  1. Enter the desired amount of Cardano and write your wallet address to receive currency.
  2. Click the “Exchange now” button and you will be taken inside your order.
  3. Send Cardano to the address from your order, after the required network confirmation, Basic Attention (ERC20) will be sent instantly.

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FixedFloat | Instant cryptocurrency

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